Monday, May 26, 2008

new obsession

last september, my sister shea told me that i needed to read the twilight series because she was obsessed with it and thinks it is amazing, etc. so last week i decided it was time to read it because one of my goals this summer is to read more books. i read twilight in 3 days, i have never in my life read a book in three days--i'm not a big reader, especially for leisure. i am now reading the second book and i can't stop, i am obsessed. is it awkward that i am entranced by a book about a 17 year old that is in love with a vampire? maybe. i just love that edward and i have found my self fantasizing about having a vampire for a boyfriend. all day when i'm at work i just want to go home so i can read, these books have consumed my life. oh my, this is so absurd.

also, i haven't had a chance to write anything about the office good! i was a little disappointed that andy ruined jim's litte plan, but at the same time i thought it would have been a little lame for jim to propose to pam at an office party. the whole episode was hilarious. this new holly character is probably the best thing to ever happen to michael since they are the same person. my favorite part was when holly was talking to kevin and he said "i do the numbers." genius. it really made up for the past few episodes which were good, but not quite as good as we are accustomed to.

1 comment:

mickelle said...

hahah omg, i loved the finale!! kevin being special seriously was genius and hilarious. i cannot wait.