Friday, July 13, 2012

rollin', rollin', rollin'

this is the minutes part of my cell phone bill for this month:

you may need to click on it to make it bigger.

i just think that this bill is hilarious.  the minimum plan that you can have at at&t is 450 minutes for like $40 something a month.  included in the plan are unlimited mobile to mobile and 5,000 minutes, plus what you don't use of the 450 rolls over every month.

well THANK GOODNESS for rollover.  because i used 12 of my 450 minutes and i certainly don't want to miss out on the 438 minutes that i didn't use this month so that i can have 4,526 minutes next month because i don't know about you, but i am planning on talking on my cell phone nonstop for the next three years.

because that's what people do with cell phones these days, talk on them.

Sunday, July 8, 2012


i know.  you've been waiting on the edge of our seat with all of these pudge questions.

well, i'm just going to make your day and answer all those questions right now.

1. did paige survive her tonsillectomy?
i sure did!  i really started to come around a corner after that post.  i can eat and drink whateva the h i want now and it is glorious.

2. how was her 25th birthday? did she get to spend the day with paul walker?
it was pretty darn good.  my birthday fell on a monday this year and i HATE working on mondays.  i seriously want to die every monday so i was not about to spend my birthday feeling that way.  brooke made me breakfast in bed, i got some awesome presents, went to lunch at cheesecake factory at city creek, shopped, went to spanish fork reservoir, and had costa vida for dinner.  here's photographic evidence:
grayson and me at the cheesecake factory

really the best part is that i got to spend the day with people i love. which unfortunately did not include paul walker.  one day paulie, one day.

3. how is paige's summer going?
i'd say it's going pretty well.  june was a difficult month but july is looking pretty good.  for example, the milnes were out of town this weekend and i had some lovely visitors so i cooked some very delicious summer meals and went to seven peaks salt lake. and parked my car in the garage. hollaaa!

4. is she going to move to california?
ehhhhh that's a tricky one.  i just get distracted by the summers here, they're just so pleasant.  so i have given myself until like august/september to figure out my life.  ask me again in a couple months.

5. does she still live in her sister's basement?
yes. i've just been livin' the dream for almost 11 months! high five!

6. is she looking forward to the summer olympics?

7. has she seen the nordstrom anniversary sale catalog yet?  what does she think?
yes.  i have seen a few items that i am very interested in.  i think i just might have to miss work the day that the sale starts.  priorities people.

you're welcome.