Monday, October 27, 2008

in response to previous post.

i posted the "just dance" music video without watching the entire thing and just now thought to myself, "maybe i should watch that whole video since i just posted it on my blog." and i did. and it is reeeeaaaalllllyyy inappropriate and i recommend not watching it. DON'T WATCH THE MUSIC VIDEO.

since the song is called "just dance" maybe you should actually portray people dancing. i know that seems like a radical idea, but maybe you should try it. what is happening to this world? why does everything have to revolve around sex? what are we teaching girls of the younger generation? that the only way boys will like you is if you're a dirty skank? i heard a disturbing story from one of my professors the other day...

a kindergarten teacher heard one of the little girls in her class say, "sex isn't bad, it just means you're pretty."

what has happened to this world that we are living in? i am terrified to have children and bring them into this toxic environment. between katy perry singing about kissing girls and liking it and britney spears posing naked in a music video that is shown on cable tv, i don't know what to think. where are these girls' dignity? it's embarrassing. what happened to the gentle and refined woman that didn't have to show all of her skin to get attention? does anyone have integrity anymore? is there any hope?


BEAZER said...

wait so i'm confused. am i supposed to like the song or not.

Anonymous said...

stacy said...

hahaha um i watched the video since you said NOT to but you still left it posted on your i wasn't sure of its purpose there? one point "lady gaga" is humping an inflatable whale in a baby pool.

i totally agree with you. where have all the good girls gone? but guys shouldn't be getting slack here either..they're the ones that encourage this sort of behavior. it's all so sad and disgusting!

paige said...

haha. you should like the song, but not the video. i suppose i could take it off, but how would people listen to it?