it doesn't matter that he isn't the greatest actor ever. but what does matter is that he is incredibly good looking - that doesn't even do him justice, he's is one of (if not the most) beautiful men to have ever lived on this planet. that sounds about right. and i don't even like guys with blonde hair. from his strong jaw line and soul-piercing eyes to his chiseled abs...okay let's just have a moment of silence for and look at all these glorious pictures of the paul walker.

oh paulie. i'll reactivate you (that's right, he was raised LDS) and have beautiful babies with you, if you insist.
he's delicious. did you know that he is the number one "look" requested by women going to sperm banks? tmi, but proves your point even more!
ahhh the scruff. it gets me every freaking time.
I can't stop laughing, oh darling you are for paige!! LOL
Ok, so in doing the math...he is better for me than you. So, step off Paige LOL
i'd hit that.
he is beautiful. you just can't deny it.
paige!!! my sis told me about your blog. love it!! i will also join forces to reacitvate paul. he is a babe.
R.I.P Paul Walker 9.12.73-11.30.13
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